Using ECOMIX® is more effective than traditional filtration techniques for your iron problems, because ECOMIX®:
- Removes ferrous, ferric, organic and colloidal iron and manganese at the highest Concentration levels on the market;
- Removes color of water caused by presence of tannins;
- Works at low TDS, low hardness, high H2S and pH 5-9;
- Regeneration simply with salt
- Works with low salt consumption.
Ecomix® approach has created new perspectives for numerous water treatment companies:
- Simple and manageable technology for treatment of high iron problem water that only takes a simple water quality test to provide a solution.
- Works in normal softeners - no extra inventory is needed for water with iron.
- Easy assembling, installation and maintenance.
- low distribution and deployment costs.
If you have any questions or requests, you can simply write to us using the form.